„OIB-COSIMENA Research Colloquium on Ethics”
Werte im Widerstreit. Der globale Süden und der Westen
Before Solidere: The urban history and planned erasure of Downtown Beirut’s...
Thinking through smell: Olfaction in early modern Near and Middle Eastern...
A CULTURE OF BUILDING: Courtyard Houses in the Old City of Aleppo
"زقاق البلاط، مدرسة المعلم بطرس البستاني والأثر الأكاديميّ في بيروت"
THE LEBANON UPRISING OF 2019 Voices From The Revolution
Spaces and Places – Art Exhibitions in Lebanon (1940s-1990s): (Re)assessing...
(Call for Papers) Summer Academy on the Entangled Histories of Concepts in...
OIB-COSIMENA Research Colloquium on Ethics
Film festival on human rights and migration
Cinema weeks of the Orient-Institut Beirut: “Communities of being-together...
The Question of Palestine in Germany
The second day of the seminary “Alpinism worldwide – Mountains and Society”...
Mountaineering in Pakistan A personal challenge and its symbolic impact
Charles Malik, On Being and Time: The Division on Heidegger from the 1937...
Gender Ethics: „What is an Ethical Tafsir of Gender?
Curating an Artist’s (and Parent’s) Biography
Losing Istanbul:Arab-Ottoman Imperialists and the End of Empire
The religious Other in Quranic Tafsir
Anthropology “Out of Place”: Towards a new Ethnographic Praxis
Anthropological trajectory, theoretical and ethnographic issues
Anthropology in Arab Countries
The Globalization of Palestine Reconsidered: Solidarity Movements and...
Open Science: Concepts, Publishing Practices and Knowledge Production
Beyond the lines social networks and palestinian militant organizations in...
Contested (in)visibilities and memorial cultures: towards a critical...
Living in a Digital Age: Technology and its Effects on Religion and Popular...
Reverberations of Interconnected Crises: Solidarity, Agency & Identity...
Occidentalist Mapping: Arab Spring and Self subversive Representation of...
At the Arab Film Club in Beirut: Occasions to “Hear & Be Heard”
Waving the Mantle of the Prophet
A Book Talk by Rosie Bsheer: Archive Wars