Catastrophe, Memory & Critique
Discourses on Statehood in Iraq (Christian Thuselt)
Decolonization, Cold War and the Rise of Authoritarianism in the Middle East (Carol Hakim)
A Literary History of Arab Futures: Enlightenment, Ruins, and Dystopia (Zeina Halabi)
Kant and the Non-European: Critique, Justice and Freedom
Global Weimar – Global Nahda (Princeton University and Orient-Institut Beirut Cooperation)
Critical Theory from the Global South: New Perspectives from Beirut (Sami Khatib)
Women and religion in post-conflict societies (Stephanie Dornschneider-Elkink)
From Arabic to Latin: Moving sciences of music around the Mediterranean (Rosy Azar Beyhom)
The New Testament quotations in Ibrahim al-Biqāʿīs (st. 1480) commentary on the Koran (Thomas Würtz)
From Copying to Burning the Qur’an: Creating Models & Transposing Sacrality (Alya Karame)
Living in Limbo (Sarah El Bulbeisi)
Escape to Europe: Comparative Refugee Imaginaries (Markus Schmitz)