Hans-Robert Roemer Fellowship

In memory of its founder and first director, Hans-Robert Roemer (1915-1997), the Orient-Institut Beirut awards a fellowship of up to three months (which can also be split up into two or three stays) to established scholars whose research is related to that of the institute. Scholars who have attained distinction in their fields and wish to make use of our library and other research facilities to work on their next monograph, are invited to send a cover letter with a CV and a description of their research project to the director Jens-Peter Hanßen (Hanssen@dont-want-spam.orient-institut.org). Scholars are expected to participate in the intellectual life of the institute.

The fellowship covers accommodation in a special guest apartment on our premises in addition to a symbolic monthly stipend of 300 EUR. Fellows who wish to stay outside the OIB may receive a small subsidy. Applications are welcomed all year long but we encourage you to apply six months in advance of the intended period of stay.