Library Regulations

The library is a research and reference-only library. It primarily serves the scholars of the Orient Institut Beirut. It also provides library services and access to its collections to external researchers upon registration. The library website and notice boards give notice of the regular opening hours and announcements in case of additional closing times.

  1. New users are requested to register with the librarian at the circulation desk, who will issue an ID card. Please use in advance the Online registration form ( Registered users should present their library ID upon request to the security at the main gate and if required by OIB staff. If the ID is lost or registration details have changed, users should contact library staff.
  2. Visitors who want to tour the library are required to obtain a permission in advance.
  3. The reading rooms are for individual study only, not for group work. Desks cannot get reserved. Instructions of library staff should always be followed.
  4. Library material may be requested through OIB catalogue online. Access to stacks is restricted to library staff. Requested items will be made available at the circulation desk after 12pm and can only be consulted in the reading room. For the duration of consultation, designated bookshelves in the reading room should be used for all issued library material. Although the loan period is restricted, all library materials must be accessible at all time and may get recalled if other users need them urgently.
  5. It is prohibited to write on or otherwise harm library material. Users are liable to replace any damaged material or compensate for its repair.
  6. Scanning facilities are available, and should be used self-dependent – by obeying copyright regulations – if the condition of the media permits. Please show any fragile material that you wish to scan to library staff. Please bring your own USB-stick in order to save your scans.
  7. Only materials required for study may be brought to the reading room. Lockers for bags, etc. are available in the entrance area. Locker keys may be borrowed from library staff on a daily basis. Lockers must be emptied before leaving the institute and no perishable or smelly items may be placed therein.
  8. The consumption of food and beverages is forbidden in the reading room, as is smoking inside the building. Mobile phones have to be turned silent. Library users should be discreet and not distract others from their work.
  9. The garden of the institute is open to registered users to rest and eat therein, but a quiet atmosphere must strictly adhered to. Staff offices, the kitchen and common room are inaccessible to external users.
  10. Library hours must be observed. External library users should exit OIB premises outside library opening hours, if they are not attending an OIB event or are guests of the institute.
  11. OIB does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of property nor personal injury.
  12. The Orient Institut Beirut can deny access to its premises and withdraw the library membership should library or OIB regulations be violated.


OIB Public Wireless LAN Rules & Regulations