Orient-Institut Beirut
Wednesday, 15. March 2023, 11:00-16:00
In the workshop “Contested (in)visibilities and memorial cultures” at the Orient-Institut Beirut, on March 15, 2023, we will explore memorial cultures and consider critical readings of heritage and the impact of conflict on arts and cultural production. We will conduct an interdisciplinary exchange with local scholars and artists about landscape, architecture and industrial ruins in order to understand sites of tangible and intangible heritage and engage with visual arts and design practice. We plan to unpack in/visibility, un/official narratives, in/formal memorial practices as reference points for conflict captured in Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Colombia. Demarcated by its diversity and complexity, contested heritage is a global issue for tourism, politics, urbanization and education and we will approach it from the lens of philosophy, cultural history, archaeology, museology, design and the arts. It is supported and organized by the Peace and Conflict Culture Network, Orient-Institut Beirut (LAWHA) and the documenta Institut Kassel.
10.00: Welcome and short introduction
10.15: Gregory Buchakjian (Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts)
10.30: Çjğdem İvren (Orient-Institut Beirut/LAWHA, U Bamberg)
10.45: Liliana Gómez (U Kassel, documenta Institut)
11-12: discussion
12- 1pm:lunch break
1pm-1.15: Yasmine Nachabe Taan (Lebanese American University)
1.15-1.30: Nadia von Maltzahn (Orient-Institut Beirut/LAWHA)
1.30-1.45: Paul Lowe (University of the Arts London)
1.45-2pm: Nela Milic (University of the Arts London)
2pm-3pm: discussion
Venue: Orient-Institut Beirut (Rue Hussein Beyhoum 44, Zokak el-Blat)
If you would like to participate, please register by 14 March with Liliana Gomez (liliana.gomez@dont-want-spam.uni-kassel.de) and Nadia von Maltzahn (maltzahn@dont-want-spam.orient-institut.org).