Left-Wing Trends in the Arab World (1948-1979): Bringing the Transnational...
Changing frameworks of transmission. The circulation of Arabic grammar...
Beirut la rencontre
The Avant-garde and its Networks: Surrealism in Paris, North Africa and the...
Pleasure and Intoxication as a Literary Topic. Eating Ḥashīsh in Mamlūk...
The Political Economy of Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates and...
Second meeting of the discussion group "Rural history, Lebanon and beyond"
A Tale with Two Stories: Legal Development from the Perspective of (Inter-)...
The Power of Remembrance Political Parties, Memory, and Learning about the...
(Call for papers) Reading and analysing Ottoman administrative sources
Rethinking Social Movements in the Digital Age: Activism, Dissent and...
Islamic Mysticism and Philosophical Psychology: Undergirding the Bridges
(Call for papers) East Meets West: Western Psychology in Dialogue with...
East Meets West: Western Psychology in Dialogue with Islamic Mysticism
Majāz al-Qur᾽ān – “pre-scientific” philology or late antique linguistic...
Jewish Intellectuals in Baghdad. Discourses and allegiances (1908-1951)
“Who are you, Nadja?” Unsī al-Ḥājj and the Encounter of Arabic Literature...
The “Abominable Pig” and the “Mother of All Vices”: Pork, Wine and Culinary...
Our Heedless Wars
Books in Motion: Exploring Concepts of Mobility in Cross-Cultural Studies...
Women, Islam, and Abbasid Identity
Cross-disciplinary approaches to the Hydraulic Landscapes of the Eastern...
عناية المحدثين بالإسناد
On priests and modes. Or how the author finally got to understand Byzantine...
Initial meeting: Rural history, Lebanon and beyond
Entangled Education: Foreign and Local Schools in Ottoman Syria and Mandate...