BTS 108
2007. 502 pp english, french and arabic text with 3 b/w-illustrations English BrochurISBN 978-3-89913-573-2
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URN : urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:5-91773
The volume is a Festschrift in honor of J. Donohue s.j., a professor of history and philosophy in the Graduate School of Education of the Fordham University New York who had previously taught at Baghdad College, al-Hikmah University, Cross College/Worcester, the American University of Beirut, Georgetown University and who was the founder of the Centre d’Etudes pour le Monde Arabe Moderne at Université Saint Joseph in Beirut. It contains contributions on a broad field of topics and areas of research that Donohue was active in. These range from current issues in the Middle East, to Islamic movements all over the world, interreligious dialogue, classical and modern poetry, linguistics, law and politics.
Leslie Tramontini studied Islamic Studies, Arabic, Philosophy and Politics at the Universities of Münster, Kuwait and Baghdad, and is the coordinator at the center for Near- and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Marburg.
Chibli Mallat studied law at the University of Georgetown and attained his Ph.D. at SOAS on The Renaissance of Islamic Law. He is now a professor of law at the University of Utah.