Research Associate
Ahmed M. F. Abd-Elsalam joined the OIB in October 2021 as a research associate. He received his PhD in Islamic Studies from the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg with the dissertation „Das Verhältnis des beduinischen zum islamischen Recht in sozialem und historischem Kontext“ (The relationship between Bedouin and Islamic law in a social and historical context). At the OIB, he studies social and theological issues of Abrahamic interdependence concerning marriage and divorce as human production of theological and religious knowledge. His research focuses on social and legal transformations in Muslim societies, past and present.
Abd-Elsalam works at the OIB on social and theological issues of Abrahamic interdependence concerning marriage and divorce as human production of theological and religious knowledge. His project "Abrahamitic Interdependence: The Relations of Jewish to Islamic concerning Marriage and Divorce" deals with legal issues of marriage and divorce in Theory and Praxis in the Example of the Jewish communities in Egypt and Iraq in the first half of the last century and its relation to other trans-regional and trans-religious communities.
The project is well-networked with other research institutions in Egypt, Morocco, and Germany.
Previously, Abd-Elsalam worked as a docent and researcher of Islamic Theology at the Centre for Islamic Theology at the University of Münster (2012 – 2021) and as a visiting professor for Religious Comparative Studies at the Humboldt University Berlin (2019 – 2020). He also taught at Al-Azhar University (2011 – 2012) and the University of Innsbruck (2018 – 2022).
Legal realities and transformations in Muslim societies: legal and religious norms between theory, practice, and history.
Islamic Norms and Islamic History (Pre- and Early Islamic History, Middle Ages and Present)
Currently transformation processes in Islamic thought: secularization, Islamization and globalization of norms and values.
10/2005 – 06/2010 | PhD. Islamic Studies |
10/1998 – 11/2003 | M. A. Arab Studies / Islamic Studies |
10/1987 – 05/1991 | B. A. German Studies |
Since 10/2021
10/2019 – 03/2020
| Research Associate at the German Orient-Institut in Beirut (OIB) Redactor of Bibliotheca Islamica Visiting Professor of Comparative Theology in Islamic Perspective at the Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology at Humboldt University in Berlin |
10/2018 – 03/2022
| Guest lecturer at the Institute of Islamic Theology and Religious Education at the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck - Austria |
05/2016 – 09/2017
| Coordinator and moderator of the event series "Theology -Humanities – Social Sciences" (THSS), a project of the Orient-Institute Beirut (OIB) of the Max-Weber Foundation and the Al-Azhar-Directorate in Cairo, funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany |
03/2013 – 10/2019
| Coordinator of the international colloquium series "Current Transformation Processes in Islamic Thinking: Religion, Politics and environment" (previously seven international colloquia, supported by third-party funding from DAAD and GIZ) |
11/2012 – 09/2021
| Researcher associate at the Center for Islamic Theology of the University of Münster |
10/2011 – 10/2012
| OIB Coordinator of the German Center in Al-Azhar, Cairo, OIB Coordinator of the teaching program "Islam Studies in the West and Germany" for post-graduate students of Islam-theological faculties of Al-Azhar, and OIB coordinator of the academic Exchange programs of the Islam-theological faculties of al-Azhar with the University of Tübingen - Islamic Studies |
10/2011 – 05/2012
| Guest lecturer at the Department of Islamic Studies in the German Language of the Faculty of Languages of Al-Azhar University |
05/2011 – 10/2012
| Project coordinator of the project "Episteme der Theologie interreligious" at the OIB of the Max-Weber Foundation |
09/2010 – 10/2012 | Research Associate at the OIB, Cairo Office |
02/2009 – 09/2010
| Educational assistant in the field of intercultural and political education at the German Academy DAA-Halle |
10/2008 – 02/2009
| Lecturer for Arabic Language and Literature at the Oriental Institute oftheUniversity of Halle |
2004 – 2005
| Lecturer for Arabic Language and Dialects at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the University of Halle |
2004 – 2005
| A Staff of the SFB 586 Difference and Integration Subproject "Contested Autochthony: Land and water rights and the relation of nomadic and sedentary people in South Kordofan, Sudan" (Project of Prof. Dr. R. Rottenburg, Institute of Ethnology of the University Halle) |
2001 – 2004
| Employees of the project "MENALIB" at the special collection area "Vorderer Orient / North Africa" of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt (DFG project) |
1998 – 2001
| Employees of the project "Pfarrerbuch der KPS" at the Interdisciplinary Center for Pietism Research of the University Halle |
Since 2022 Since 2022 Since 2022
Since 2021 Since 2020 Since 2017 | Consultant at the Global Institute for Arabic Renewal Consultant at the Association of Heritage Experts in the Arab World Advisor Board of the Nile Valley Journal for Human, Social and Educational Studies and Research - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University, Khartoum Branch Evaluator at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Advisor Board of Journal of Architecture, Arts and Humanistic Science German Society of Islamic Theology |
2010 – 2014 | Board member of Ver.di Sachsen-Anhalt Süd |
2006 – 2017 | The International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS) |
Since 2006 | German Association for Law and Society (VfR) |
Since 2005
| The German Working Group Vorderer Orient for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) |
10/2001 | DAAD-Prize for international students at the German universities 2001 Martin Luther University Halle |
10/2021 -
05/2022 – 10/2023
11/2019 – 09/2021 07/2016 – 10/2019 03/2013 – 10/2019 | Abrahamitic Interdependence: The Relations of Jewish to Islamic concerning Marriage and Divorce Discussing the Interdependence between Humans, Religion and Environment (DIHRE) Abrahamitic Interdependence – Religious and Theological Knowledge as Trans-Cultural Product of Multi-Confessional Relations Islamic Environment Theology Current Transformation Processes in Islamic Thinking – Colloquium Series |
01/2013 – 10/2017
| Al-Azhar and the Upheaval in Egypt (2011–2013): Documents and Controversy (Al-Azhar Documents) |
11/2012 – 10/2013
| Maqasid as a norm between theory and application – hierarchy of legal norms
Das beduinische Rechtssystem und seine theoretische Grundlage, (BTS 136). Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag (2015).
Theologie und Normen im Wandel – Islamisierung altarabischer Rechtsnormen, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag (2021).
Abrahamitische Interdependenzen? Eherecht im Judentum und Islam – verflechtende Verhältnisse, (OIS 8). Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut (forthcoming Juli 2023).
und Abdallah, Mahmoud (Hrsg.), Religiöse Institutionen in Krisenzeiten: Anfragen und Erträge aus Ethik, Theologie und Religionsgemeinschaften, (Theologie des Zusammenlebens). Ostfildern: Grünwald Verlag (2023).
Umiyyat an-nabiy / أمية النبي (Herausgeber und Vorwort), Sebastian Günther und Khaled Muhammad Abduh, Erste Auflage, Kairo: Sijal Publications (2014).
Waṯāʾiq al-Azhar: al-marǧaʿiyya ad-dīniyya mā baʿd aṯ-ṯawra al-miṣriyya / وثائق الأزهر: المرجعية الدينية ما بعد الثورة المصرية (Herausgeber) Kairo: Sijal Publications, (2016).
"إکو-إسلام: مسار جديد للفکر الإسلامي في الغرب" / „Eco-Islam: A new path of Islamic thought in the West”, in MJAF, 7, 6, Cairo 2022. DOI: 10.21608/MJAF.2022.125193.2736
“الأعراف العشائرية القضائية – تراث لامادي مهمل للمنطقة العربية / Tribal judicial norms – A neglected intangible heritage of the Arab World“, in MJAF, 6, 3, Cairo 2021, 610 – 624. DOI: 10.21608/mjaf.2021.67637.2267
„Ehe als Ansatz früh-islamischer theologischer (Re)Formation: Ehe, Eheschließung, Ehe in Nahbeziehungen – besonders rechtliche Regelungen der Eheschließung in Nahverhältnissen in frühislamischen Rechtsquellen“, in Ronen Reichman and Britta Müller-Schauenburg (ed.): Ancilla Iuris. Constellations of Law, Spezial Issue Marriage Law [forthcoming 2023]
„Von der Tribalität in die Islamität – Wanderung der Rechtsnormen: Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Islamischen Normensystems“, in Mouhanad Khorchide und Milad Karimi (Hg.) Jahrbuch für Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik – Band 6/2017, Freiburg im Breisgau: Kalam Verlag (2020), 13 – 45.
„Umwelt-Dschihad & Öko-Islam - Eine aufstrebende muslimische Bewegung“, in Mouhanad Khorchide und Sara Binay (Hg.): Islamische Umwelttheologie: Ethik, Norm und Praxis, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag (2019), 187 – 205.
„Al-Muʾassasa ad-dīnīya wa-idārat ad-dawla/al-muğtamaʿ - qirāʾa fī waṭāʾiq al-Azhar / المؤسسة الدينية وإدارة الدولة/المجتمع – قراءة في وثائق الأزهر“, in Ahmed Abd-Elsalam und Mohammed Helmy (Eds.) Waṯāʾiq al-Azhar: al-marǧaʿiyya ad-dīniyya mā baʿd aṯ-ṯawra al-miṣriyya, Kairo: Sijal Publications (2016) 85 – 111.
„Solidarität und kulturelle Sensibilität als eine prophetische Lehre“, in Una Sancta – Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung, Heft 2 2016, 71. Jahrgang (2016), 113 – 117.
„Erwiderung auf Christoph Wulf „Bildung – Eine transkulturelle Aufgabe“, in Sarhan Dhouib (Ed.) Demokratie, Pluralismus und Menschenrechte – Transkulturelle Perspektiven, Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft (2014), 260 – 262.
„Forum Westen und Islam: Klare Grenzen ziehen“, in Kulturaustausch, Heft 4, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (2014), 72.
„Stammesrecht in traditionellen intratribalen Beziehungs- und Machtverhältnissen am Beispiel arabischer Stämme in Nordkurdufan, Sudan – Beobachtungen aus dem Feld“, in Josef Estermann (Hg.) Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung zwischen Rechtswirklichkeit, Rechtsanalyse und Rechtsgestaltung. Beiträge zum Kongress „Wie wirkt Recht?“, Beckenriel: Orlux-Verlag (2009), 20 – 34.
„Die Bibel des Ibn Kathir: Textkritik zu Gen 22 als Argument des Verfälschungsvorwurfs“, in Johannes Thon (Hg.) The Claim of Truth in Religious Contexts, in Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte, Heft 27, Halle: MLU Halle (2009), 29 – 36.
„Al-Ḥisba fī al-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī baina at-tawẓīf ad-dīnī as-sīyāsī wa-l-idāra al-madanīya / الحسبة في العصر المملوكي بين التوظيف الديني السياسي والإدارة المدنية“, in Mahmoud Haddad and Arnim Heinemann (Eds.) Towards a Cultural History of the Mamluk Era, Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag (2009), 127 – 143.
“The Practice of Violence in the ḥisba-Theories”, in Iranian Studies, vol. 8 nr. 4. (2005), 547 – 554.