Orient-Institut Beirut and American University of Beirut
Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB) and the American University of Beirut
July, 11 to July 12, 2016
Financed by the Orient-Institut Beirut and the Center of Arts and Humanities American University of Beirut.
Organization: Stefan Leder (OIB), Samir Mahmoud (AUB), Hans-Peter Pökel (OIB), and Bernard Sartorious (ISAP)
The international workshop East meets West. Western Psychology in Dialogue with Islamic Mysticism aims to start a dialogue and a building of bridges between the Western psychological and the Islamic mystical tradition. The workshop is intended as a first step in what is hoped to be a series of events centered in the region with a larger conference being planned for the future in the Middle East region (Istanbul or Cairo).
The core of the first workshop will focus on a C.G. Jung-Ibn al-῾Arabī axis of dialogue. We hope to develop further questions also on other key figures of the Western psychological tradition (such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, or 19th century Romantics) and the Islamic mystical tradition (such as the alchemists, al-Rūmī, or al-Ghazālī).
09:00 Welcome and Introduction
Chair: | Chiara Sebastiani (Bologna) |
09:30 | Outayl Binous (Tunis) - Appelé ou non appelé: le Dieu sera present |
10:00 | Discussion |
10:30 | Souad Al Hakim (Beirut) |
The World of Dreams: A Connection with the World of the Unseen or with the Self (in Arabic; English translation of the paper provided) | |
11:00 | Discussion |
11:30 | Coffee |
12:00 | Bakri Aladdin (Damascus) |
The Physiology of Ecstasy according to Ibn ‘Arabī (in Arabic; English translation of the paper provided) | |
| Discussion |
13:00 | Lunch |
Chair: | Astrid Meier (Beirut) |
14:30 | Paul Ballanfat (Istanbul) - Ibn ῾Arabī: Dream and Time |
15:00 | Discussion |
15:30 | Dariane Pictet (London) - Breaking down Walls: Journeys to Essence |
16:00 | Discussion |
16:30 | Coffee |
17:30 | Public lecture and Discussion |
Edward Alam (Beirut) - Islamic Mysticism and Philosophical Psychology: Undergirding the Bridges | |
Discussant: | Chady Rahme (Beirut) |
Dinner (for participants) |
Chair: | Samir Mahmoud (Beirut) |
09:00 | Andreas Schweizer (Zurich) The Celestial Counterpart - Imagination in the Work of Ibn Arabi and C.G. Jung |
09:30 | Discussion |
10:00 | Gustav Bovensiepen (Cologne) - Imagination and the Architecture of Psychic Space |
10:30 | Discussion |
11:00 | Coffee |
11:30 | Fateme Rahmati (Frankfurt) A Comparative Study of the Process of Self-Knowledge in Islamic Mysticism and the Process of Individuation in the Psychology of C. G. Jung |
12:00 | Discussion |
12:30 | Lunch |
Chair: | Hans-Peter Pökel (Beirut) |
14:00 | Bernard Sartorius (Zurich) John the Forerunner: Yahya as Archetypal Image of Man’s Pro-visional Knowledge of the One Reality |
14:30 | Discussion |
15:00 | Samir Mahmoud (Beirut) - A Muslim’s Personal Journey with Jung |
15:30 | Discussion |
16:00 | Coffee |
16:30 | Final discussion and perspectives |
Dinner (for participants) |