Sacred Trash in Medieval Damascus: New 6th/12th- 7th/13th-century Documents...
Political Remittances and Lebanon: The case of a decentered diasporic field
Islamic Art at the Crossroads: Artistic Exchanges between the Middle East...
The ‘state’ of Lebanon: Concepts of political order in crisis?
Celestial and Mundane at the Emergence of Islam
Angels and Mankind: Nature, Role and Function of Celestial Beings in Near...
الشعر المنثور : الشعر المجهول
My tears flowed like water because of this gracious cypress: Imagery and...
Establishing a framework for scholarly editing and publishing in the 21st...
The archaeology of reading in Ottoman Bilād al-Shām
مصر الثورة وشعارات شبابها: دراسة لسانية في عفوية التعبير
Christians in the city: Aleppo in Ottoman times
Food Fabrication: Culinary practices and food politics in the Arab world